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Careers Information

Careers Guidance in Schools 


Every school in the United Kingdom has a crucial responsibility to ensure that pupils in Year 7 to 13 receive independent careers guidance. The aim is to equip students with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed choices about their future paths. In line with government regulations, schools must adhere to the following guidelines: 


Personal Guidance Interviews 


Every pupil must receive at least one personal guidance interview by the age of 16. These interviews are conducted by qualified professionals who possess the expertise to provide valuable guidance to students. Through these interviews, students can explore their interests, strengths, and aspirations while gathering the necessary information to plan their educational and career journeys. 


Access to Education and Training Providers 


To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the range of pathways available to them, schools must allow various education and training providers access to pupils. This ensures that students have exposure to a diverse range of opportunities. Details regarding these providers, including visits and workshops, are published in accordance with the Baker Clause and the Provider Access Legislation. 


The Gatsby Benchmarks 


To develop an effective careers programme, schools use the Gatsby Benchmarks. These benchmarks outline guidelines schools should follow to ensure quality career education. By adhering to these benchmarks, schools support students in developing a clear understanding of different professions, work environments, and post-secondary education options. 


The CDI Framework 


In mapping the learning journeys of pupils, schools rely on the CDI (Career Development Institute) Framework. This framework provides a structured approach to help students identify and develop the necessary skills and knowledge required for their future careers. It ensures that students receive tailored guidance and support throughout their educational journey. 


Measuring Careers Impact 


Schools place great emphasis on measuring the impact of their career's guidance provision. By evaluating the outcomes of their career programmes, schools can identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement. This evaluation helps schools refine their strategies and ensure that they are providing effective support to students. 


Careers Information Website 


To ensure accessibility for all stakeholders, schools provide a dedicated website for career information. This website serves as a central hub where parents, carers, teachers, and employers can access valuable resources and guidance materials. It acts as a comprehensive source of information, helping parents and guardians better support their children's career aspirations. 


Careers Education and Guidance at MAEPS (Moorbridge Alternative Education Partnership School) 


Moorbridge school is dedicated to providing its pupils with comprehensive careers education and guidance. The school believes that understanding pupils' needs, abilities, and possible career choices, as well as aspirations, is crucial to their success and preparation for the future. With a strong commitment to the Gatsby Benchmarks, MAEPS ensures that career education and planning are embedded across the curriculum and integrated into every aspect of school life. 

To ensure that careers advice is independent, up-to-date, and professionally delivered, the school has a dedicated careers leader, named Amanda Yabsley, who is currently working towards her Careers Leader qualification. Amanda is supported by Dominique Elliott, the school’s Personal Development Lead. In addition to this, the school work closely with Connexions Careers advisor named James Carr, who is also Level 6 Qualified and James Crowther our Northeast Local Enterprise Partner.  

At MAEPS, pupils are encouraged to explore a wide range of career choices through the school's information and guidance programme. The aim is to prepare them for future opportunities in the world of study and work. All pupils and parents can attend the school's annual Careers Deeper Learning days, which provide information on apprenticeships, college courses, university prospects, and employment. Also, all Key Stage 4 pupils can attend College and workplace open days, and apprenticeship fairs. This focus on careers has had a positive impact on pupils' progress and attainment at the school. The internal and external independent careers advisor can talk to pupils and parents daily throughout the school year. They also attend EHCP meetings and are available at all pupil progress meetings held half-termly. 

Key Stage 4 pupils at MAEPS complete a qualification in Employability, which helps them understand the skills and knowledge needed to apply to post-16 education, training, or employment. This qualification aims to develop and enhance skills required for the working environment, improve communication skills and personal effectiveness, and provide a basis for further study. Additionally, careers across the curriculum aim to give pupils a wide range of skills for the local workforce and provide them with work experience in vocational subjects. 

At Key Stage 3, pupils have PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) lessons focused on careers, where they can delve deeper into career subjects. This includes learning about sources of career information and writing a career action plan.  

An independent level 6 careers advisor conducts small group careers guidance interviews with KS3 pupils at the beginning of the year. KS3 pupils and parents can also talk to the career advisor at academic review day and the careers fair. 

Key Stage 4 pupils can participate in weekly or 'one-off' work experiences that are tailored to their future career aspirations. The careers programme includes individual and group meetings on post-16 pathways, apprenticeships, and college courses, as well as visits and attendance at the careers fair. These activities support pupils in making informed choices for their options and broaden their outlook for post-16 education. Pupils and parents also have the chance to talk to the career advisor at the careers fair and pupil progress days. 

MAEPS is committed to ensuring an appropriate and sustainable post-16 destination for all pupils. Year 11 pupils follow a programme of support and tracking, which ensures that their post-16 destinations are suitable and sustainable. 

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