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Background and Provision


MAEPS – Moorbridge Alternative Education Partnership School is a provision that is has been developed in conjunction with the all the Secondary, Middle and High partnership schools in North Tyneside and the Local Authority over the last 5 years. 


The provision is at the centre of the education system in North Tyneside and the majority of the mainstream schools are represented on the Management Committee/Governing Body, thus being a truly partnership organization. This is the only Pupil Referral Unit in North Tyneside.


The school provides the following services to the schools in North Tyneside:


Early Intervention and Outreach Team (Shiremoor):

All schools are provided with highly skilled and experienced Outreach Staff who work in conjunction with mainstream colleagues to help to keep pupils in their mainstream schools, whilst giving them additional support and knowledge to help maintain their placement. 

6th Day Response

Shiremoor (8 Places)

This is for pupils who have been Permanently Excluded from their mainstream school and require a place of education until, the LA have commissioned us to deliver this provision –

- Governors Hearing

- Appeal Panel

- Fair Access Panel


Early Intervention Partnership Programme                

The Bungalow (16 Places)

This short term provision is organised for pupils who are transitioning to KS4 Alternative Provision (AP) or those who are in danger of being Permanently Excluded before the end of KS3.This short term programme has been developed to ensure that pupils maintain their relationship with their mainstream school and have time to work on their issues which are causing barriers to learning.  Pupils will complete an AM or PM session in the provision, at least 1 Day in Work Based Learning and the remains=der of time in their mainstream school.  Communication levels between the school and mainstream school are constant and an Outreach Staff Member will see the pupil when they are in mainstream school. This provision is 4 weeks in length plus a weekly session for 6 weeks to follow up on the work completed.



The Bungalow (30 Places)

 All students educated outside school are entitled to 25 hours each week, this must be developed in relation to their mental health needs.


Therefore all students will be provided with a core minimum of education with additional educational opportunities as outlined below which will extend their educational time.


Once full engagement is achieved there will be a review after approximately 3 to 4 weeks to discuss all the assessments which have taken place by the various agencies supporting the young person.


These will help identify targets and subsequently form the basis of the Pupil Support Plan . This will be reviewed every 4-6 weeks but every effort will be made for the reviews to correspond with any TAF’s/EHCP Reviews or statutory reviews.

KS3 Pupil Referral Unit

Shiremoor (50 Places)

 This provision is for those pupils who need a longer placement. This maybe for students who need a gradual reintegration to school, who need to have more assessments completed, who are awaiting the outcome of an EHCP or who needs have not been identified.  Some pupils may also have an EHCP and may be waiting for a placement in a specialist provision.

KS4 Health and Well Being Provision

Oswin Terrace (51 Places)

 This is an Alternative Provision for pupils who have high levels of anxiety, mental health issues, depressions, vulnerability, school phobic and medical issues.  Pupils in this provision are normally placed here for the remainder of their KS4 and will work towards GCSE’s or equivalent qualifications.  The environment is highly nurturing and allows pupils to feel extremely safe in their learning environment.  All pupils are provided with a core curriculum and time will be increased to 25 hours per week depending on need.  There are routes to choose from:

- 121/Nurture

- Academic

- Work Based Learning

KS4 ROUTE 16  Alternative Provision

Shiremoor (85 Places)

This is an Alternative Provision Pathway for pupils who have been disengaged with mainstream education and have a variety of needs.  These pupils will have a variety of routes to choose from:

- Technical (Subject Specific – Sports or Food)

- Work Based Learning

- Nurture


Personalised Learning Service

The Bungalow (30 Places)

This provision is for pupils who are unable to attend school due to medical reasons (a consultants letter is required) and those with an EHCP where needs dictate that the pupil has 121 or very small group (up to 3 pupils) .  All pupils are able to access a full range of GCSE and Equivalents depending on individual needs.

About: About Us


Please find attached our half termly newsletters! A snapshot of the successes and events across the provision!

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