Pupil Premium
With the ‘Pupil Premium Funding’ Moorbridge will aim to:
▪ Improve the academic achievement of students who are eligible for Free School Meals, Looked After or have parents currently serving in the Armed Forces;
▪ Reduce the gap (when relevant) in the achievement of eligible students and their peers;
▪ Provide additional resources to ensure that eligible students have targeted support aimed at improving their achievement, particularly in English and Maths;
▪ Promote progression of eligible students in the development of their personal and social skills;
▪ Ensure smooth transition of eligible students back into mainstream education or onto further education.
The key focus of the School’s use of the ‘Pupil Premium’ will be to improve:
▪ The % of eligible students achieving expected and above progress in English.
▪ The % of eligible students achieving expected and above progress in Maths.
▪ The % of eligible students maintained in mainstream school or returned to new school.
Through effective use of this additional funding, Moorbridge is fully committed to ensuring that the individual needs of each entitled child are met.